Monday, July 9, 2007

Beaufort - is it "bow"-fert or beew-fort?


quiz time.

Is it bow-fert or beew-fort?

The typical Sabahan will say "bow-fort" but I think the right pronunciation is bow-fert coz beau on it's own is pronounced "bow."

But then, some insist it's beew-fort ("beau" pronounced as in beautiful)

So which is it?

In the mean time, maybe I should go sing... You're bow-tiful......... you're bow-tiful........ you're bow-tiful, it's true... (sung to the tune of that oh-so-annoying James Blunt song...)


小燕子 said...

byeu-tiful byeu-fort... :-D

Yuri said...

I'd be the typical Sabahan and say "sia mau pigi bow-port"

About the Gobuk said...

Yuri, our good friend whose name is just like mine but slightly longer insists that it's "BEEW-fort!"

Yuri said...

astaga mcm riddle... for a moment i didnt know what the heck u were talking abt LOL

About the Gobuk said...

Heheh... terrer kan?

Sopok said...

OK...after much discussing, It's pronounced Bow-fert.
unless ur french then u pronounce it bow- for..agree also w Yuri...Bow-port puuunn, bulih juga!